Paithalmala Trek
Paithalmala Trek
Paithalmala trek, located within Kannur area in Kerala and near Pottenplave village at an elevation of 1372m above sea level is worth your while as soon as you begin, due to spectacular panoramas that await. Rainy season provides ideal trekking conditions; just beware that leeches could appear along your journey! Summer months provide optimal trekking conditions.
Best Time for Paithalmala Trek
Paithalmala best trekking season falls between July and September, when cool mist and lush greenery make for a spectacular view. But beware leeches; for those preferring an alternative seasonal hike experience, January through March could also be considered an optimal time.
Detailed Trail Information about Paithalmala Trek
Elevation 4501 feet. The time required is two hours roundtrip. lungul The difficulty level for this trail is moderate due to difficult mud conditions.
Access to water isn’t always readily available, so be sure to bring at least 2 litres with you.
Start your trek at Kudiyanmala, which is conveniently close to Highway 60, and trek for approximately 45 minutes to reach its starting point on a paved road. Continue until reaching the official guesthouse, which marks the beginning of trekking routes and roads.
Near the guesthouse is a payment counter where fees of Rs.30 will be collected per person for their trek, followed by the trailhead, where your trek can begin.
This trail starts off level and muddy before leading you on a 600-meter trek through dense forest vegetation surrounded by lush foliage. Perfect for nature photographers looking for beautiful backdrops to capture pictures in, but watch out for squids during wet seasons – make sure to bring salt with you for safety purposes and wear appropriate footwear when trekking!
Over a 2-kilometre trek and 2-kilometre trek, the forest begins to thin out, allowing sunlight to warm your skin and reach an area of grass where Pythanmala appears on its left horizon.
The slope drops into an apex before rising back up to its original position, from which point the tower can be easily seen in summer, and when fog settles during rainstorms, it may remain hidden from sight.
Ascending to Pythalmala from there should be relatively straightforward compared to trekking at higher altitudes; eventually, you’ll reach its top watchtower, which stands 10 feet tall and bears an age-related mark.
If you visit Suicide Point at its lower elevations, be prepared for stunning views. Personally speaking, having completed my trek myself, the rewards from suicide point more than makeup for having to deal with roaches! From this vantage point, the drop can be hazardous and requires an uncompromising spirit to look down on it. But once there, the views from here are truly incredible, showcasing Kodagu’s beautiful landscape and lush forests. Take time to soak in the view before heading back to your guesthouse on your journey via forest trails. If you want more adventure, hiring a local guide who will take you past the main roads on more adventurous paths leading to plantations of cashews is an option. As you explore these trails, you maymay come across waterways with thick mud that must be traversed. Returning by this alternative route should take approximately 45 minutes; returning via your original pathway should take two hours.
Begin your trek by enjoying a satisfying meal from an on-road shack nearby, then head home feeling satisfied with having accomplished so much on your adventure.
How to Reach For Paithalmala Trek
Kudiyanmala in Kerala marks the starting point for this trek, accessible via an express bus from Kannur to Thaliparambu and then another bus that will bring you directly to Kudiyanmala – only a 45-minutes stroll away from its main road head.
Essentials for the Paithalmala
- A well-stocked First Aid kit, including:
- Scissors
- Band-aids (regular and waterproof)
- Analgesic spray (Relispray, Volini, etc.)
- Antiseptic Liquid (Savlon, Dettol, etc.)
- Antiseptic powder (Povidone-Iodine-based powders like Cipladine, Savlon, etc.)
- Cotton roll and bandage
- Crepe Bandage
- 1-inch wide medical tape (paper or cloth)
- Micropore tape
- Tablets for motion sickness (Avomine) and acidity (Gelusil, Digene, etc.)
- Mild pain relief tablet (Crocin)
- Identity Card
- Cap, scarf, bandana, and sunglasses
- At least two litres of water
- Lemon, salt, or an electrolyte drink (Electoral/Gatorade/Glucon D, etc.)
- High-calorie snacks (nuts, dry fruits, home-baked cake, etc.)
- Safety pins, rubber bands, and a whistle (useful in emergencies)
- Quick-drying T-shirts (preferable over cotton tees)
- Poncho (only during monsoons)
- Plastic sheet to wrap electronic devices (only during monsoons)
- Sunscreen (SPF 50+)
- Trekking poles (optional)
Remember to always seek advice from a physician before consuming any medication.
Want To Trek Like Pro?
Check out the following videos if you want to trek like a pro trekker and improve your skills. These videos contain helpful tips, tricks, and techniques to help you trek like a pro. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced trekker, these videos can provide valuable insights to enhance your trekking experience. So, watch the videos below by Trekup India experts to take your trekking skills to the next level.
Know Everything About Acute Mountain Sickness
Acute Mountain Sickness is a medical condition that can occur when individuals travel to high altitudes, typically above 8,000 feet. It is caused by the decrease in air pressure and oxygen levels in the air as altitude increases. Symptoms of Acute Mountain Sickness may include headache, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and difficulty sleeping. To avoid Acute Mountain Sickness, it is important to gradually adjust to high altitudes and seek medical attention if symptoms worsen. To learn more about this condition, check out the videos by Trekup India.